About US

Heywon Ford

CEO & Founder

Byeong Ho Choi


More About Us

Our Mission Program

  • Care and evangelism for the Korean descendants in Central America and the world.
  • Educational and spiritual retreat for Korean descendants in Central America and the world.
  • Provide for Pastoral continuing education for local pastors in the mission field.
  • Provide for mission resources and training to nationwide Korean church.
  • Provide for mission training to nationwide Korean church.
  • Promote, sponsor and send short term mission trips.
  • Annual fund-raising banquets to support the mission.
  • Visiting prospective mission fields for long term mission projects.
  • Visiting and leading mission revival among Korean American churches.

Favorite Bible Verse

1Timothy 5:8

Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

"누구든지 자기 친족 특히 자기 가족을 돌보지 아니하면 믿음을 배반한 자요 불신자보다 더 악한 자니라"

디모데전서 5:8